Tuesday, March 29, 2011

11 hours before take-off

When people hear I'm traveling alone they express one of two things, either that the idea terrifies them (and therefore should terrify me) or that they are jealous and wish they could do the same (to which I always reply, you can!).

Preparing for a 2-month adventure takes a lot of planning.  And while I'm good at planning, I'm not so good at executing things ahead of time.  So the last 5 days have been a whirlwind for me.  Amidst all the purchasing of supplies, cutting of hair, trying on of clothes, buying of food, cleaning of house, and paying of bills I have had brief moments of stopping to enjoy the process.  And this is what I discovered....

As independent as I am, I have deep love and gratitude for these people, for without them it wouldn't have happened.  I believe everyone needs:

A Sarah to borrow an extensive packing list from, as well as a camera memory card.
A Donald to fix the computer when it deleted everything from the iPod 24 hours before departure.
A Senia to lend emotional support and encouragement with love and excitement.
An Alina to really understand where you're coming from and offer full acceptance.
A Mom who keeps it light even though she's worried.  One who waters the plants, checks on the condo, brings you to the airport at 3am, alters your clothing at the last-minute ("by the way"), and gives extra hugs and love.
A Dad who reminds you of how to be safe and lets you go even though he doesn't want to.
A Business Coach who helps you understand the world is yours if you so choose.
A Chiropractor who boosts your system so you are healthy and full of energy and happiness.
A Book Club who shares in the excitement and truly, truly loves and supports your decisions.
A host of cousins and friends who send their love and give guidance in Faith so you're never alone.
A Stylist who cuts your hair (again) so that it's just right for traveling.

When people ask how I can travel alone I just smile and say, "I'm never alone."

I love you guys!


  1. I love my Samantha. She brought her plants here for plant-care while she's gone but really it is to revive them & make them healthy like herself. I guess I'm all her life coaches in one to pull that healthy status for her greenery.

    An added note, she happened to want a little clothing altering...to the tune of 4 sizes smaller. I surprised myself again & it looks great. She brings out the possible in me!

    For those of Samantha's friends reading this, she is loved beyond words by all of her family & we love to tease each other. She is truly a gift from God and send my love with her on her adventures. I look forward to frequent blog entries from our child who is beautiful inside & out. I look forward to hugging her tightly when she returns. I'm the lucky one because I get to give her the biggest hug when I drop her off at the airport at 3 am.

    Love, hugs & God's Peace,

  2. I love you so much, Samantha! Have a great, amazing, wonderful, beautiful time. I will be traveling with you in your pack. I've been remembering buying OTC diarrhea meds in Peru when I ran out (a pill at a time) & how scary that was with no directions. I hope you followed my packing list and brought 1/3 first aid, 1/3 medicines, and 1/3 clothing & necessities by volume. :)

  3. So I see you lumped me in with the "host of cousins," your lips would be so chapped without me. : ) I love you Sammy and I know you love me. I just have to give you some grief. But seriously though, you should be landed and settled by this point, wheres the post.....I've had diarrhea since you left (I caught a stomach bug, so that's actually true). I hope you're having fun and getting settled in. Love you Sammy.
