Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Buenos Aires, Costa Rica

I have been here for a week.  That is much longer than the usual 2 or 3 nights I typically stay in places.  It is a nice little town, full of locals rather than tourists and retired Americans.  I want to write about all the experiences here, share delight in the small things.  The Tico who sold me coconut water and let me hold his 10-month old baby, the motel owner (my new abuellito...small grandpa) who loans me his bicycle on a daily basis free of charge - and tells me with a smile that he hopes I break it so I have to buy him a new one, the farm owner who yelled Hola! to get me to stop and visit for a few minutes in pineapple land, the chef who invited me and my friend to his house since we are staying awhile - the expectation that we stand out on the road and yell his name, Chago, so he knows our arrival. 

But all those tidbits are stories I do not feel like writing about so will share with you in-person if you remember to ask.  They are soaked into me.  And I love telling stories...a new realization for me on this trip.  I write short stories frequently here, a shift from my usual diary entries.  And I think there is something to it.  So I claim what I now see I am... a writer :)

My writing energy was significantly depleted 2 nights ago by a case of traveler´s diarrhea.  It was time, I suppose, for me to experience the TD.  So if you have a TD story my ears will perk up and I swear to listen this time, because now I know!  Ahhh, what to share.  Maybe just the highlights, which are more like the lowlights.

It started with an old fish stick dinner.  Not what I thought I ordered but I ate it anyway, cleaned my plate as usual.  Within 3 hours my stomach was so hard and painful there was no way I was going to sleep for any length of time.  Every couple of hours I found myself in the bathroom trying to vomit or use the toilet, to no avail.  Nasty, loooooong burps escaped every time I stood up - my body trying to relieve pressure and stagnation.  It was not until 6am that ¨things¨started happening.  Those ¨things¨ happened frequently for 4 hours until my friend wisely questioned if I should take some medicine.  So I conjured up the OTC meds I had begrudgingly purchased from Target only 5 weeks ago, and swallowed two of the pills. 

The pills stopped the fluid excursions but the belly pain and stagnation returned.  I laid in bed most of the day while my wonderful friend made several trips to the market for provisions of ginger ale, gatorade, watermelon.  And by night time I decided it was time for this new experience of mine to be over.  Yep, I started on the antibiotics.  Relief! 

Last night I got some sleep.  Today I feel human again.  Did some light yoga and am able to eat food - please, don´t mention fish to me though!

I am glad to no longer be kneeling on the bathroom floor, the space small and lacking airflow.  To no longer be belching ridiculously or remaining horizontal.  To be able to stand in the shower instead of lying under the cool flow of water in an attempt to feel something different.

And having a friend with me. 


  1. Ahhh, the good old TD. Little did I know mine was probably always parasites and somehow after a week of being incredibly sick in Bali, I finally succumbed to the anti-diarrheal meds, but refused the antibiotics. Silly. Never again would I put myself through that. Every 4 hours is nice compared to every 15 minutes, so I think I would have you beat if this were a contest. Which it is not. :) But if it were, my parasites would win every time. :)

    Haha, about telling people about my crying for mom when I barf. Love it. I haven't vomited for a whole 1.5 years now that the parasites are gone. :)

    As for the cute stories, I can't wait to hear them. I'm going to start calling Rodolfo my abuellito, because that's exactly what he is. He'll get a kick out of it.

    Missing you. Got sunshine today after a few days of really cold winter with snow sprinkles.

  2. Glad to hear you're feeling better Sam. That can never be fun far away from home but at least you had a friend there to take care of you!

    I can't wait to hear all your stories when you get back, we better set up a girls night so we can all hear at once :)

  3. I was whining to Sarah that I couldn't sleep from 2 am on & I was hoping you were okay on Saturday night as I was so restless. She assured me you were:) hmmmm.... glad you had a just in case plan with you. I'm looking forward to the stories in detail and with hand gestures as soon as you can stand all of our collective commotion! Love you mucho:)

  4. Sarah, it was more frequent than every 15 minutes, but definitely did not last for 5 years. I am finishing these antiobiotics and then moving on to the anti parasitic herbs for a small daily dose.

    Ashly, girls night sounds great. Then I can tell my stories emphatically the first time. Aw heck, I will every time...its a Sawyer-Johnson thing.

    Mom, thought of you. I´m good. You´ll like my friend :) Love and hugs!

  5. You're right. I believe you are a wrtier. You had me hooked on a Diarrhea story. LMAO. I very much liked it though. it sounds like a lot of great experiances Pleasant and not so pleasant. It sounds like fun! Enjoy! I love you and take care.
