Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Time Flies When... are in the perfect place at the perfect time.

I want to spend less time online and more time living. 

I stayed at the communal-style hostel for one week in Uvita.  I took bus trips, motorcycle rides and hitchhiked with a Tico family (funny enough it was the mother who wanted to pick me up) to make a couple of day trips to the next town, Dominical.  Played basketball with a couple Ticos, whom I beat in the game 21 without too much aggressive fouling that I learned from playing with Donald.  Explored the local spots including the watering hole with small waterfall and rope swing.  Watched pre-teen boys doing double front flips off the rope before I took my turn and pencil-dropped into the find out it was less than 5 feet deep!  My jarred legs and scraped knee were not very happy but all is well.  Note to self, ask HOW deep.  Met a wonderful friend, Robert, who is biking around the world (  Left Uvita at 5:15am after unexpectedly changing my bus plan so this hug is for you Rob!!!

Made my way up to the mountain village of San Gerardo de Dota.  Spent 3 nights hiking around the area, going bird watching and spending time with my favorite person. Spotted the famed Quetzal bird and even got some pictures with my awesome-zoom camera.

Currently I am hopping through the capitol city, San Jose, to get to Tortuguero in order to spend time in the marsh.  Looking forward to canoeing, kayaking, hiking, Caribbean food once again, small town atmosphere.

Time is really flying.  I find myself planning several days ahead instead of just one day at a time in order to do what I need while here.  My brain, though initially resistant, is thinking about MN and life upon return.  Traveling is a great way to reinvent onself and I am curious to see which points stick and which ones float away. 

I look forward to connecting with loving friends and family when I return.  Though I am not coming with tangible gifts or souvenirs I hope to transport you with some of my stories.

And with that, I bid you adieu. 


  1. Hey Sammy,
    Sounds like you've been having a marvelous time! I can't wait to see you and hug you again at memorial day services. Travel safe and stay well- I love you lots, God's Peace. Becky Jean : )

  2. Your stories will be worth more than any gifts. I soooo look forward to your return and hearing about EVERYTHING :)

  3. Is there any lasting destruction from the earthquake that took place last week in San Jose?

  4. I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug! I can't wait to swap stories! I can't wait to see your tanned face and relaxed smile! I'm getting all my less important things done before you get home so hopefully I can see you for a little bit before heading up north. I love you!!
