Saturday, April 16, 2011

Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

I have been thinking about all the things I see here in Costa Rica on a daily basis that don't really phase me but that might be interesting to someone not accustomed to traveling.  With my last 3 minutes of Internet time I will share a few.

Babies placed on their mom's bicycle handlebars cruising through town
Squished flat crabs and geckos on the street, shapes obvious
People say "ok" in response to Thank You, not You're Welcome - sometimes I think they don't want me to thank them
Occasionally see a sloth or iguana or monkey right outside the open air restaurants I happen to eat in
Tons of mosquito bites so sleep with a net covering me
Churches with loud music until midnight on all nights of the week, when I walk by there are sometimes disco lights flashing inside - wild dancing and a ruckus!

Off I go, by foot, along the main street with Reggae music blasting and the ocean nearby.  Saturday night.


  1. Sounds fun. I love the "shapes obvious". And I've always loved to hear lists of things that are new. My best memory of your NZ blog was that list. So keep them coming! Love you.

  2. I hear "shrimps" pluralized every day - love it!

  3. Haha, shrimps. I was cooking shrimps today and thinking about mariscos.
