Monday, April 18, 2011

Punta Mona, Costa Rica

Tomorrow I leave for an island off the Caribbean Coast.  Punta Mona.  It is a place of permaculture, sustainable and communal living.  I am tiring of this hot sun and looking forward to go deeper into the rainforest.  Be with more organic, down to earth people.  As a friend said, not down to earth friendly but down to earth with the land. 

I hear that the 3 week mark is a cornerstone for travelers.  Either they get into the groove of things or they want to go home.  Traveling in this developing country is not much of a hardship so I do not miss any of my usual amenities.  However, the change of cities and people every few days leaves me feeling ungrounded, in a spot of internal unknowing.  Smiles are a bit harder to come by and I feel guilty to not enjoy every moment. 

So life when traveling is still life.  Changing emotions and variable degrees of self-knowledge.

A special hello and hugs to family.  My thoughts will be with you Easter weekend and for Henry and Asa's baptism.

I will not have internet access for the week I am on Punta Mona.  A chance to be with my thoughts instead of checking in with others.

Sending Love!

1 comment:

  1. Special hugs back to you Sammy. Enjoy your week of further unplugging. It started snowing like mad here. I am sure I speak for all Minnesotans today that we would love some hot rain. Of course, with that, comes mosquitoes, so perhaps I will mull over which is more desirable: warm/heat + Mosquitoes, or cold/snow in late April.

    Love you lots!
